When we come out to do your home survey, we will discuss our different removal packages with you. In addition, all of our customers receive a cost for each package. This is because we would rather give you all of the different options, and then you can decide which is the best for your circumstances and budget. Our most comprehensive option is our packing service. But why should you select it?
1. Live ‘as normal’ for as long as possible
When you select our packing service, we will book in a date as close to the move day as possible to pack for you. We always aim for the day before the move, if this works with yourself and our prior diary commitments. However, the pack day always takes place within 2-3 days of the move. As all we ask from you is to pack an overnight bag, this means that you can live ‘as normal’ for as long as possible during the lead up to the move. That means no piles of boxes in your living room or the whole family bunking up on a couple of mattresses to save space!
2. No wasted evenings and weekends spent packing
Our team complete the pack in an average of 6 hours. Whereas our average customer who packs themselves takes weeks getting everything sorted. Our speed is down to two reasons. Firstly, all of our packers have been trained, either externally or in-house. Every item is wrapped and protected using the correct materials and in the right sized boxes to keep them safe. However, it is also because half the packing battle is usually spent ‘uhm-ing’ and ‘ahh-ing’ over whether you really need all of those garden tools, plant pots, drill bits, screwdrivers… Or getting lost down memory lane when you bring the photo albums down from the loft. On the contrary, our packing service is a professional and efficient. We see what needs to be packed and pack it.
3. Most stress-free option
If you take a look at our reviews, you will see that customers who have selected our packing service always comment on how it made the move as stress-free as possible for them. This is because they have to do as little as possible and trust us to do the job for them.
4. Comprehensive insurance included as standard
If you have had a look at our different removal options, you will see that basic insurance is included with our basic removal and dismantle and reassemble options. However, comprehensive insurance is included with our packing service only. This is because our insurers provide an extra level of cover when we pack for you. Again, this is because our team are trained packers so we can guarantee the standard of packing. With the basic insurance, only your large furniture items are insured.
5. Best value for money option
Our packing service provides a whole range of additional extras that aren’t included with our other two packages. This includes:
- Comprehensive insurance at no additional cost to you
- Dismantle and reassemble service included as standard
- Unlimited number of boxes to hire, along with all other packing materials
- Carpet protection provided free of charge